Feb 20, 2009

I come by it honestly.... And I need your help.

The fact that I am a little bit "off" has been made abundantly clear on this Lil Blog 'O Mine.
I prefer the term "Quirky" or "Unique" but whatever!

I come by it honestly.
Many many family members before me are down right CRAZY!
No, not padded-cell crazy, but they are a strange bunch.

My Grandfather had an unwavering belief in Listerine Anapestic Mouth wash. It could heal all things. (Think My Big Greek Wedding and the Windex. Yep it was THAT bad!)

My Grandmother swears to this day that I make my eyes Hazel/green just to bug her! (she wanted brown eyes)
She irons her bras!

Then there is my spoiled-rotten sister.
She is now 27 years old and STILL has a security blanket. That she STOLE from our dear sweet mother!
She has a steadfast rule that no one may order the same dish as her at any restaurant.
She is deathly afraid of those small bag worm caterpillars, she knows they will swarm and bite her toes off.
I could go on and on... she really needs to be medicated.

Speaking of my dear sweet mother.
You know, the one who doesn't remember the worlds worst black eye?
The one who made her 16 year old daughter (me) drive all the way to a neighboring town to buy a single can of beer that she needed for her biscuit recipe, because she didn't want to chance bumping into someone from church while securing her booze?
Yeah.. That one!

Well.. she has a strange little need to name her cars.
She can't just pick a name out of the blue either, the car has to "tell her" it's personality.
She has had boy cars, girl cars, and even one who turned out to be gay.

Not only must she name HER cars, but she thinks we must name ours too.
So, to humor her and make her happy, I oblige and name my cars.

I name my vehicles based on looks.

I've had Oscar,

and Beulah aka "Big Mamma".
This brings me to my newest predicament.

Look at this "face"
What do YOU think it's name is?



  1. Tiny ears and a huge nose. I say "Shrek"

  2. all that bling?? and the haughty superior look? BOND...James Bond. double OH yeah baby! nice truck!

  3. I'm thinking Remington, or Magnum. Some cool reference to hunky 80's shows.

  4. Bertha...its definitely a girl!:)

  5. Oh, I agree with Claudine! You need a strong, sexy man (truck) to get you through those times when the Man-of-your-dreams isn't home!

    - your spoiled rotten, "city girl", little sister

    PS - I am NOT crazy!

    And you should have added that I can't stand dirt. And my sister lives in the country, where there's lots of it. Which can cause problems. :o)

  6. Tonkatoy .... was my range rovers name

  7. Dresden. strong man name. Call him "Dres" for short if you want.

  8. Definetly a guy to me! I'm thinking "Moto Moto"... from Madagascar 2... LOL!

  9. i'm gonna have to go with colossus.

  10. I'm thinking James Bond, but not exactly James Bond. The guy with the grill teeth ?
    LARGE, shiney teeth, a tad intimidating...

    Or maybe Slick Rick.
    Slick Rick is the guy who's credited with the popularity of teeth grills - you know, those shiney things that some rappers like to put on their teeth.

    And calling him Slick Rick would give you some street cred... ;-)

  11. Is it a Cummins Turbo Diesel?

  12. Bad Boy or Bubba. You are funny.

  13. Em - Is it a Cummins Turbo Diesel?

    Yes it is :)

  14. Vin Diesal maybe. lol

    I think it needs rough and tough manly name.

  15. Thanks for helping to keep my husband in a job! His plant produces those engines :)

  16. first name that popped in my head was butch, but i think bud or bubba would be good too

  17. That's so funny. My first impression was bubbah also!!

  18. How about Tuff (Like Tuff Hedeman), Conan, Brutus, Mudslinger...

    Or Henry?

    (I hope I didn't double post this-my computer is freaking out!)

  19. "Double Dawg" or "Dirty Dawg" Since it is a Dodge...an extended cab...you gotta go with double d's.

  20. Or how about Dirt Devil (If you do the DD's?) or dirty devil?

  21. Looks like a Steve.

  22. Awsome ideas Y'all!

    We have decided on "Hoss".

    well... I have decided on "Hoss".

    The Man-of-My-Dreams will forever call it Dodge.

  23. How about: Boss

    Let us know what you choose.


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Comments make me dance a little jig.
And that makes my children run and hide in shame.