Jul 14, 2009

It's a good thing they are pretty! Cause they could NEVER get by on their brains!

I often wonder how they survive at all...
watch the following video... you'll see.

Oh! and by the way...
I know My voice sounds like a frog...
An all night Sing-Star competition with 5 teenagers will do that to ya!


  1. Lol... it's very surprising they've lived this long!

  2. bran's uncle lost 20 or so turkeys when they stood out in a blizzard, facing into the wind with their mouths wide open. yeah, the froze to death.

    i don't think they're particularly pretty birds. in fact, i kind of think buzzards are better looking. at least buzzards don't have scrotums hanging from their faces. :D

  3. so did you herd them back in? I know you did not toss them over the fence!

  4. dykewife...
    I have never thought of it that way!
    I'll never be able to look at the turkeys the same way again! ;)

  5. Oh lawdy mercy! I think I just wet m'britches

  6. I wouldn't exactly say they're pretty, but there is something spectacular about seeing a big ole tom in full strut.

    Guess that's where the term "birdbrain" came from...


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