Oct 1, 2009

Reason He's the Man-of-My-Dreams #673

The big, mean, tough-Man-of-My-Dreams called me today.

He is finishing his out-of-state job tomorrow and coming back home.

The big, mean, tough-guy who doesn't want any more "@#*!^ animals" asked me to bring the big dog crate with me when I come to help him move back home.

It seems that he and all the other big, mean, tough-guys at the construction site have been adopted by a stray dog.

She wandered into the plant one day full of mange, and covered in fleas and ear mites and decided to stay.

Several months and $700 dollars later, she has been spayed, immunized, treated for mange, and is bug free.

She is "Super-Smart" he says.
She needs a "Good Home" he says.
She is a "Really Good Dog" he says.

....interesting, because these are the EXACT same arguments I would have used on him!

Reason #673 he's the Man-of-My-Dreams?
He's a big softy underneath the rough-n-tough shell.

Don't tell anyone though...
It might ruin his rep!


  1. My hubs fell in love with our new dog...a Yorkie. This coming from the man who could only have a manly dog and Yorkie's are "in no way manly."

    Mine's a softy too.

  2. What a sweetie! Men are so fun to raise!

  3. I LOVE it! My husband is the same way. Acts aloof but once he pets an animal, it's all over!

  4. awe, what a sweetie!!!
    theresa in Alberta

  5. Cảm ơn bài viết của bạn, mời bạn xem các thông tin bài viết >>> Thói quen ăn uống chưa hợp lý có gây hại không ?


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