Jul 21, 2011

A Recipe SO Good, Your Husband Might Pimp You Out Too!

I am posting this recipe because my husband has requested that I make it at least one night a week for the past 2 years!
I am afraid his love of this dish if getting out of control!

He now, is asking me to make it for the guys at work!
I think it is important to have some great recipes in your dinner arsenal.
But remember....
It can back-fire on ya!

Tonight's Vittles on the farm will be....

Tater-Tot Casserole!!
Sometimes you just need the extreme comfort of a good, easy to throw together, casserole.
This one fits the bill!
It's super-easy to make.
And even easier to eat!

I have never found a man who didn't inhale this dish!
You can find more pictures and the complete recipe on "Craving Comfort" HERE


  1. Oooh, serious comfort food! I have a feeling my family would love this too. Anything with the words tater tots and cheese will get them running to a table. Any table! I'm vegan, (and by vegan I mean short order cook because I'm the only vegan in my family). So my whole thing is finding a way to recreate comforting dishes like these... the vegan way. Because even vegans need to be comforted ;)

  2. Oh my God this looks so good and i`m sure that it is delicious too. I think that this is a easy recipe so i will give it a try, thanks a lot for sharing.


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And that makes my children run and hide in shame.