Aug 18, 2011

Best Broccoli Salad EVER! (re-do)

I love a good salad!
Whenever I get a chance to visit my mother and sister in Houston, we go to a great salad bar restaurant called Sweet Tomato.

They have everything you could ever dream of putting on a salad!
But they also have some prepared salads.
This one is my favorite of all time!
Even the kids love it!
There is the crunch of the broccoli, combined with sweetness from the dressing and plump raisins....
Combined with cashews and some crumbled bacon.

I do not usually enjoy raw broccoli, but I can eat this salad by the feedbag full!
You can find the complete recipe and directions on my food blog by clicking ---> HERE


  1. Wow. That looks and sounds absolutely delicious.

  2. I have had this before with craisins instead of raisins. You are right it IS the best salad ever.


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