Oct 7, 2011

Catch-Up Time

Man how time flies!
I'm not even gonna say how long it's been since my last real blog post...
I'm not gonna explain myself...

Lets just play catch-up and everyone will be up to speed.

~ Three kids Graduated.
~ I cried.
~ Three kids moved out.
~ I celebrated!
.... Then I cried.
~ Texas had (and is still having) a major drought.
~ Worker #2 went to ARMY Bootcamp.
~ I cried.
~ My garden shriveled and died.
~ My husband and I built an awesome Tortoise habitat.
~ I went fishing.
~ My girlfriend and I built a new chicken pen/yard.
... Our nails will never be the same.
~ I cooked.
~ I did NOT clean.... enough.
~ I broke a tooth.
~ Worker #1 started college.
~ I shot greedy squirrels out of my pecan trees.
~ We drove to Georgia.
~ Worker #2 graduated Bootcamp...
.... I sobbed  cried.
~ I worked.
~ I got a really cool Tortoise from a friend of my sons.
~ I started hard-core couponing.
~ I found out the new Tortoise is one of the ONLY endangered ones in Texas that you cannot even touch without getting a hefty fine.
~ I had my hair colored to match my cow.
~ I had lots of phone calls from friendly Texas State & Wildlife personnel.
~ I perfected the recipe for Iced Coffee.
~ I got hate mail.
~ I got rid of the super-cool Tortoise before I got hauled away to prison.
~ Worker #2 left to go to his "home base" in Washington State and might not come home for over 3 years.
~ I cried.
~ I had lots of meetings.
~ I won a trip to Fiji!!
~ I passed out.
~ I got back on my diet hot and heavy so I won't be mistaken for a beached whale in Fiji.
~ I finally wrote a blog post.

The End
... I'm baaaaaaack


  1. you got hate mail? what about? i mean, it's not like you're really controversial in your postings. unless it was about your choice of hair colour example.

  2. Sure missed you! It is so hard going from full time Mom to...whatever we move on to. Sorry the tortoise didn't work out :-( I haven't posted in ages either. Life sure does have a way of getting too darn busy. Looking forward to hearing from you more often. How is the business venture going?

  3. dykewife...
    yep, lots of hate mail.
    because of my awesome Iced Coffee Recipe! lol
    silly huh?

  4. Glad to have you back. We've missed you!!!

  5. Dana those people need to get over themselves. I'm an ex-barista and we used to make all our cold drinks with Toddy. Pioneer Woman is very nice but certainly is not the first one to come up with the idea. I guess I should be posting this on THAT thread, eh?

  6. I can sympathize! I picked up a tortoise out of the road off a busy rural highway and brought it home. Unfortunately, when we got to looking at it and figured out what it was, it turned out to be a gopher tortoise. Same situation --- endangered and you're not even supposed to TOUCH them. I have nice Fish and Wildlife folk, though. Relocated it to a place that wasn't my house in the wild where it belongs. Now looking into getting captive bred tortoises instead. Do you like yours?


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Comments make me dance a little jig.
And that makes my children run and hide in shame.