We all know I'm not known for being the most sophisticated girl in the World.
We all know I'm a little bit Redneck.
I figured it's time to Embrace my inner redneck!
And shamelessly plug my Redneck Wine Glasses!
Nope... I'm not the first to make them...
MY Redneck Wine Glasses are the ONLY ones you can find that come to you with a copy of
my Famous 3-ingredient "Prison Wine" recipe tucked neatly inside!
A Cute, Clever AND Functional Christmas gift for $10?
Heck Yeah!
Take a look and Maybe order a few!
They are $10 each... or... 4 for $30,
(that's buy 3 get one free!! what a bargain!)
Click here--> Redneck Wine Glasses for Sale
This post has been sponsored by the "This Mamma needs to buy Christmas Gifts for her dirty children" coalition.
We now return to our regularly scheduled chatter.
Thank you!
Now that is different!