Dec 5, 2011

Monday Haiku

My Big Christmas Tree
Is Still Up In The Attic
My Kids Think I Suck.

... Dana


  1. Nah, you're good til the 14th. And if it gets later than that, read them aloud the chapter about throwing Christmas trees in "A Tree Grows In Brooklyn"!
    (then remind them that as little as 120 or so years ago, children did not expect a Christmas tree until Christmas Eve!)
    You are Mom-Extraordinaire!! ;>
    Now go dance your jig and make them run and hide.

  2. See?!? I KNEW we were kindred spirits! I try and write a haiku every Wednesday... One of my favorite is:

    (A mother's haiku)
    In a quiet place
    Breathing deep, I find repose
    Chilly toilet seat

    hee hee.

  3. Love this one! Guess I should tell you that mine is already up and decorated. This year my son did all of it for me. :)

  4. Ha ha! I love it! I also love Stephanie's Haiku! Laughing out loud.

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Comments make me dance a little jig.
And that makes my children run and hide in shame.