Jul 18, 2011

What Did YOUR Week-End Look Like?

Mine Looked Something Like This....

As we do on most Summer week-ends, we loaded up and took the kids to Lake Livingston.

Day #1
We spent trying to cause great bodily harm to the short people by pulling them on the water at a high rate of speed BEHIND the boat.
At always starts out innocently enough.
The kids are having fun and enjoying a swift ride around the warm water....

Then they get Cocky...

So, we do what any respectable parent would do!...

We try to DESTROY them!

We simply HAVE to show the little whippersnappers who is really the Boss ya know! 

And Yeah... 

That evening I had to begrudgingly leave the beautiful lake to go join my Spoiled-Rotten-Little-Sister (and a bunch of other people) for her 30th Birthday Dinner an hour and a half away.

We went to FEAST

It was yummy!
And...  There were SNAILS involved!
I'll post all about the yummy (and freaky) food later today on my food blog Craving Comfort.

Day #2
The short people admitted that we were the champions,
So, we let them play in the lake, we all had a blast!

Some learned how to walk on water!

Some learned how to "Strike a Pose"

Some learned how to FLY!

And, Everyone tried to avoid the dreaded "belly-flop"
Some were NOT successful!


  1. Looks like you guys had a good time. :)

  2. LOVE these pictures! Thanks! (and I think I am looking forward to hearing about the snails....)

  3. I love reading about your weekends, they're absolutely amazing. Ours are quieter, no human kidlets around unfortunately, but I think as enjoyable.


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Comments make me dance a little jig.
And that makes my children run and hide in shame.