I thought they were my buddies.
I thought they were my new BFF's.
I thought our relationship was based on mutual love and respect (and sweet potatoes)
Today I went out to commune with my new friends.
I turned my back for one second. Turned back around quickly and they were doing this!!!

No respect!! I am crushed.... Do you think they may just be using me for food?
Do you think they really dont love me after all??
**sniff** **sniff**
Now I have to rethink our whole relationship.
4 amazing comments. Talk To Me!!:
Dana, Get your girls a bag of range cubes splurge for the 20% protein. Once they get used to eating them they will follow you anywhere and kneel at your feet.
duh! I never even thought bout the range cubes! I'll let ya know how they work!
thanks for the comment! I dance a little jig when I get a comment.
r8x85o6z73 j4w66l4q04 f9r56k9m92 e0w24w0v65 g3r32d7b16 t6q05t0k92
c5j43r4g77 f4i51j4f48 y0e25m8j55 u1n57m4b33 r6u68h3f23 s4t76z3x33
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I LOVE Comments!
Comments make me dance a little jig.
And that makes my children run and hide in shame.