Jan 14, 2009

A Mystery.. What IS THIS???

As you know by now, I cook.
I cook a really lot!
Thats why I find this mystery so disturbing.

The past several times I used my oven, I noticed that it was smoking slightly.
Each time, I would remember.. "Oh! something spilled in the bottom of the oven, I need to clean it tomorrow."
Well I never remembered until I would heat the oven up again and would smell a faint smoke smell.

Last night we had tacos for dinner.
I crisp my taco shells by hanging them on the wire racks in my oven, It works great and they just hang there! They do not go flat like on a cookie sheet and I can cook a TON at once.

I pulled out the top oven rack to begin inverting my taco shells.
Sitting on the back of my top oven rack, I found THIS!

The boys think it kinda looks like a pile of cow poop.
It is now a nice crispy charcoal lump.
I know what it is.
and I am ashamed to admit that It originally made it's way into the oven on Christmas morning.

So.... my wise internet friends?
What did I find in my oven?
I'll figure out some silly little insignificant prize for the winner.

(I'll randomly choose a name out of the correct guesses Sunday evening.)

Pin It!

48 amazing comments. Talk To Me!!:

Anonymous said...

Without thinking twice, the girlie and I suspect it's a thrice-and-then-some-crispied-up cinnamon roll :)


Anonymous said...

I am guessing that it's some kind of sweet roll or cinnamon roll!

Misty said...

looks like a sticky bun... very well overly cooked! lol.

Heathen's Hearth said...

Looks like a very overcooked cinnamon roll.

Anonymous said...

That looks like a blackened cinnamon roll. :)

Bethany said...

geez woman! I don't HOW it jumped out of the pan and ended up at the back of the oven!

- your spoiled rotten, "city girl", little sister

Lori said...

That looks like a cinnamon bun to me.

Nancy Peacock said...

I was going to say Cinnamon Bun too.

Mary Lutz said...

I'm going with cinnamon bun!!!

Stacy Uncorked said...

LOL! A burnt to a crisp cinnamon roll! :)

At least you didn't forget you had a package of cookies hiding in the oven...I did that once...holy moly the smell of melted plastic in the oven is not a pleasant thing! :)

Sab said...

Looks like a cinnamon bun to me! A very well done one...

but again, I see why your kids think what they do... lol

Rachelle S said...

That's now a charcoal roll! lol

Like Stacy, I used to hide my Tupperware of cookies in the oven, well that is until one day I forgot they were in there and turned the oven on, lol!

Bridge said...

I, too, think it's a cinnamon roll. If it was from Christmas morning in the bottom of my oven, it would be an orange roll and indistinguishable from a cinnamon roll due to the extreme burning it's had. Poor little thing. :)

Anonymous said...

definitely a cinnamon roll or sticky bun of some sort. That is one heck of a cooked treat though, if it makes you feel better, we had a baked potato in the back of our oven through about eight usages. Too funny!

Anonymous said...

I'm guessing cinnamon roll too. Looks like poop though! Hehe..

Cindi said...

It's a poppin fresh cinnamon roll...right out of the can! Not that I know what they look like mind you...;)

Jo Whitehurst said...

Wonder if you could market this as "specialty" charcoal? You could market different shapes and flavors! This one, of course, looks like a cinnamon roll; but think of all the possibilities!

grandmamargie said...

It's a cinnamon roll on a jadeite plate. :)

Larraine said...

blackened poppin fresh cinnamon roll that got away!

Anonymous said...

looks like a cinnamon roll or sticky bun..don't worry i found 4 french fries in mine last week left over from so long ago only God knows


Ashley said...

Oh too funny... I'm hoping it was a cinnamon bun -- cause if not, then 2nd guess is poop! ha ha :)

sue said...

Must be a cinnamon roll like everyone else said. Although the size it hard to tell it could be a cookie too. Something like a Rugalash or snail. But I really think it is a cinnamon roll.

MaricrisG said...

It looked so much like a well-toasted-crisp cinnamon roll or the precursor to cinnabun!

Finla said...

Yeah some sweet bu.
Hi hi i would love to know what tehy were.

Anonymous said...

Looks like a cinnamon roll at one time-lol!

Anonymous said...

looks like a cinniamon roll or some other kind of sweet roll. oh the inhumanity of something yummy like a sweet roll turning into charcoal.

Jenn said...

You know, I keep threatening to cook "poop on a stick" for my kids when they refuse to leave me alone about what's for dinner.

I never thought someone would actually DO IT! :P

Anonymous said...

It's a cinnamon roll of course. We had a can of the store bought ones for dessert last night. Yum and generally when they are less black they smell great don't they?

Anonymous said...

Looks like a cinnamon roll to me too!

Anonymous said...

I think it is a meringue cookie.

Anonymous said...

Looks like a cinnamon roll to me, Dana. So were any of the boys brave enough to take a bite? Come on, Mom baked that thing with love!

Anonymous said...

Hmmm, is that your own recipe for Christmas Morning Cinnamon Rolls? My need some work!

Anonymous said...

I'm saying that is a cinnamon roll that is slightly over done.

SavvySuzie said...

Definitely a cinnamon roll gone horribly awry. Though I have to say it would make for a great poop gag.

Anonymous said...

The Pillsbury Dough Boy would weep if he saw what you did to his cinnamon roll!

Jane In The Jungle said...

Ok I'm with the boys on this one but can't imagine you cooking cow poop on Christmas morning. So I'm going on a limb to say a pop-over??

Anonymous said...

Some kind of a roll, to be sure. Maybe a dinner roll though but it could be a sticky bun or cinnamon roll.

Gingerlylizzy said...

Cinnamon roll "fo-sho"

Nancy said...

I think it is some of the sugary ooze that comes from baking sweet potatoes.

Cattle and Cupcakes said...

I think it's a cinnamon roll or a piped muffin.

Anonymous said...

Hubby says cinnamon bun.

Kim Eastlick said...

Well, either your cat snuck into your oven and left you a present, or it's a very well cooked cinnamon roll. You could probably keep that for many Christmases to come. :-)

Anonymous said...

It does look like an overcooked cinnamon roll to be as well. It is rather good kitchen humour :)

I wanted to let you know that I have nominated you for the Lemonade Award. This award is given for inspirational qualities, great attitude and decor of the blog. I do hope you will accept. You can pick-up your award at Mom's Cafe Home Cooking

Cindy said...

Is that where Santa threw the coal when he realized he was getting some awesome treats? LOL!!

But not really sure how a cinnamon roll could end up there to get charred to it's dear ending life!!

Anonymous said...

Looks like something boys might have fun fooling their friends with.

Maggie said...

Well, since everyone else guessed this already it's not much fun but I think it *was* a cinnamon bun too. But I had to add that my son looked over my shoulder and had a good laugh over this.

Jenny said...

I'm going with the crowd--looks like a forgotten cinnamon roll. Though I did wonder briefly if it was some kind of meandering meringue.

I've been trying to find your blog again since the breakfast burrito post because I wanted the promised mini meatloaf recipe. Typically I figured I wouldn't forget where I saw it and then promptly did. Couldn't remember where it was! Finally, I found it today!


Julie said...

to me, and I am sure this isn't what it is, but it looks like one of those meringue cookies!

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