The Now 5 Year Old Little-Foreman-in-Pink.

Not dressed in Camo.
Not wearing her rubber boots!
A PINK Princess with Sparkles!!
She was a GIRL!!

This is what she may look like in 10 short years......
Getting ready for prom!
I should start drinking now to deal with THAT night!!

9 amazing comments. Talk To Me!!:
what darling pictures!! she is a very pretty princess!
She is dadys little girl and she took the shoes off and wore here boots with the princess suit not long after the pic was taken ...
She is a cute little girl! How i wish i have a cute little girl like her. Pretty young lady!
Your daughter is so cute! My husband wants to have tons of kids one day, so I'm going to need to study your blog as a survival guide when we get to that point! : )
I've tagged you on my blog: Come check it out
Happy Birthday, precious little girl. Oh, oh, I love the platter the cake was on. What kind is it? Margie
Margie, I'm not sure who made the platter. I found it on Ebay it actually kinda looks almost hand-made. I love it too! ;)
And how much does she love her aunt for giving her this great present!! :o)
- your spoiled-rotten, "city girl", little sister
you have a very pretty daughter. i would be worried too come prom night. =)
Love the dress. Happy Birthday.
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