I know..
I know...
I've always been this way - I find something that I love and really throw myself into it and become kinda-sorta like a dog with a bone.
I've always loved cooking, and I've always shared recipes and cooking tips here.
But since the debut of Craving Comfort, (my cooking-only site) I've had food on the brain...
And my counters, and my shirt, and my shoes...
As I mentioned a few weeks ago, there are BIG changes comin'.
This is how I hope it works out.
There will be three sites.
The Homesteading Housewife = Ground Zero; you'll see everything I post here.
It will also be the home to all gardening, homesteading, farm-life, critters, and frugality posts.
It will also show you when and what I post on the other two sites (with a link to the complete posts and pictures).
Craving Comfort = all things food & cooking.
Mom in Time-Out = parenting, family life, personal stuff.
Stay tuned....
BIG things are coming...
And just wait till I tell you about the Turd.
You'll meet the Turd tomorrow.
3 amazing comments. Talk To Me!!:
Can't wait!!I want to re-design my blog, but I don't even know what the first step would be. You are a brave brave woman.
Do I WANT to meet a Turd? I've been divorced from one for too many years to want to get up close and personal with another turd..ever again!
And with you being AWOL? I just figured that you had burned one to many foods with your sooper-dooper torch thingie, and the fire department had banned you from posting "assorted torched things" posts!
Sounds like we're in for some fabulous changes! Can't wait to see how everything pans out.
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Comments make me dance a little jig.
And that makes my children run and hide in shame.