He has been working out of state for the past two years.
One thing that I have mentioned about this man is the fact that he is just a tad bit of a clean freak.
He is a tab bit anal retentive.
He is a tad bit CRAZY when things aren't in order.
I am none of these things.
You see, I tend to get overwhelmed when facing such a huge task.
So our closet became quite the catch-all for all the odds-n-ends that found their way into our house and didn't have a home.
We had to tackle it before he could relax and enjoy himself.
He was wonderful and helped get it done in a matter of a few hours.
We found lots of things I had forgotten all about.
Toys and gifts I had bought through the years to give at birthdays and Christmas that were forgotten about.
Clothes that were too tight.
Clothes that were too big.
47 boxes of crayons.
Yards and yards of fabric that were supposed to become a quilt.
Enough yarn to crochet 72 afghans.
Old purses.
Old pictures.
Old vinyl records.
Then we found a basket of pictures I hadn't seen in years.
Lets take a look at some of my favorites...

Now I'll never be able to run for president.
The press always manages to dig up this kinda stuff.

This my baby brother Ryan and I when I was 8yrs old.
Ryan died from a heart defect shortly after this picture was taken.
I was such a proud big sister.
Oh and check out the bumpy plaid couch....
Nice call Mom!
I remember the day I got that watch... Loved it!

Dan died when he was hit by a car at the age of 17, I was 14.
He's holding my spoiled rotten little sister.
She looks sweet in this picture...
Don't let it fool ya!
She is evil, I tell ya... Evil!
He's a real angel!

This is the 16 yr old me that would be so very disappointed in the 37 yr old me for living on a dirty farm surrounded by muddy boys,
NOT eating lobster in Hawaii, and living the glamorous life.
Could I have gotten my bangs any higher?
I'm just sayin...

How did I even manage to walk straight with that mum?
I LOVED it though, sparkling lights and sharp pins included.
We won't talk about my date.

This kid was my first born.
He broke my tailbone after 32 hours of un-medicated labor and left me with 37 stitches in a very sensitive place!
He deserved this!
Whats up with the mushroom POOF hair?

Oh My...
This was taken at the baby shower for worker #2
when he was 389 days overdue!

Finally, My best friends wedding.
She bestowed the nickname "Paco" on worker #1 the day she first saw him...
He loves her anyway.
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5 amazing comments. Talk To Me!!:
I love it! Great memories for me... and giving everyone else something to smile at.
And I definitely admit that I'm spoiled. :o)
- your spoiled rotten, "city girl", little sister
Aww, great pictures. It's always bittersweet, taking that walk down memory lane.
I'm always THRILLED to find pictures I haven't seen in ages. They are so much fun. Little sisters are always spoiled, then again my big sister was spoiled too.
Wow. .. was it a closet or a spare room? lol. Your 'about me' description is right - you do write in a way that allows me to feel like we're girlfriends chatting across a table. Neat :) I love that you call them 'workers' ... life on a farm, right?
AH man, I stil love all of those pictures. I dont remember the guy in the mask, I'm sure that I didnt like him. Maybe you should tell everyone that not one of your boyfriends like me!!! One tried to run me over with his CAR!!!! Im not bitter.. Everyone loved me I have know idea what was up with that... :)
Love ya,
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