Nov 17, 2009

It's The Little Things....

I mentioned last week that things have been pretty hectic around here.
I have found myself in quite the "funk".

When I find myself in a funk,
I grab my camera and take a walk...

It helps me to see the world around me from a different perspective.
It's amazing how much better it makes me feel!

Instead of a dormant for the winter, half-dead tree,
I see the contrast of the cool Fall against a beautiful blue sky.

I couldn't help but giggle at these silly buds who obviously don't know what time of year it is.

Who could walk by this fluffy & cuddly ball of fur without snuggling with him and smiling?

Even something as simple as leaves from my banana tree,
begin to look glorious, with that brilliant blue sky as their backdrop.

Then I heard this fella calling to me.

He made it possible for the Little-Foreman-in-Pink to become the envy of every other girl in her Kindergarten class.

Because she actually DID get a pony for her birthday.

After walking around the farm for awhile looking at it through a new set of eyes, I begin to notice the little things that I may have just walked by the day before.

Like this fiery-yellow fall leaf.

Oh, how I love Fall!

I'm envious of the fat barn cat who rolls up against the bottom of an Old Oak tree, soaking up his sun-beam.

What a life!

Even looking at something as mundane as the fire-wood pile.
The Man-of-My-Dreams and the boys worked so hard clearing, cutting, and splitting it for the winter.

Seeing a full wood pile makes me feel safe and secure and ready for anything.

I realize I don't have to wait for Thanksgiving to be thankful...

No matter how bad things seem,
I have everything I need, and more that I could ever want.

This guy tho?
He's got about another week to walk around the farm.
He'll be our guest of honor for Thanksgiving.

He better get to it!

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4 amazing comments. Talk To Me!!:

Angela @ Nine More Months said...

What a great post. It's true, in these hectic time we just need to stop and look at all the little things around us. It makes the days so much more bearable. Great post. :)

Anonymous said...

This is something I do regularly, especially since seasons in Florida are so subtle you have to gauge them by the color of the sky and what the plants are doing. It's a redeeming, life affirming practice.

Thanks for sharing the photos, you've reminded me to take another look around my own space and see things differently.

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous. That's one of the perks of photography--you notice those things more.

I am SO jealous of that little horse. Of course I don't have to take care of it, but still...

Christine said...

Life is way too hectic sometimes! It's nice that you are able to remind yourself to stop and breath. I should try it.

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