wanna know another little BMA secret I told my oldest ones?
shhh dont tell anyone..
but I may have mentioned that I had a distant cousin who was allergic to marijuana...
he was a good kid...
but got caught up in the peer pressure thing..
tried it one time and dropped dead....
the poor guy didn't have a chance cause there was no way he could have known as there is no test....
you just drop dead your first try....
Oh and I may have mentioned that this particular allergy is hereditary.....
you just never know....
yep.. I am goin to Hell.
Perfect Sweet Tea
12 years ago
3 amazing comments. Talk To Me!!:
HA! You are so funny! I followed your link from PW! Sounds like you have a very eventful life!
well thanks for droppin by!
PW is one of my favs too!
Thanks for the comment.... I feel loved when I get comments!
Ummm... don't they read your blog??? If so, the jig is up!
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