May 30, 2008

Oh What a week!

It's time to play catch-up.
I don't think I have ever gone almost a week without posting! wow didja miss me?

It has been a busy week round these parts, filled with thrills, spills, blood, tears, worry, anger, excitement, laughing, lecturing, and just about every other emotion known to man, all rolled into one wild and crazy week!

Here is the Cliff Notes version for those of you who missed it.

Worker #2 decided (as all teenagers eventually do) that this was the time to test his manhood and defy authority. Spent the night at a friends house and decided that, altho it's against our rules to ride motorized vehicles at someone else's house, He wanted to ride 4-wheelers with them. hit a ditch, destroy the 4-wheeler, get thrown over the handle bars, 20 feet up onto the other side of the ditch, knock himself unconscious, and tear up his shoulder. MRI & surgery are scheduled for next week. (oh joy)
The young dare devil is now on house-arrest for the rest of his life. And I now have to color my hair to remove all the newly-grown grey sprouts.

Sweet Sweet worker #4 turned 9 years old. I cannot believe that my baby boy is nine! Maybe he'll get some of his teeth back this year!

Worker #3 was nominated to the Lone Star State Scholars club, and passed the year with honors. Whoda thunk I could have produced such a brilliant mind. it's amazing!

The last week of school was a busy one... choir concerts , award ceremonies, class parties, and study sessions to attend, my hands are still sore from all the clapping.

Worker #1 decided that his dear old mom wasn't stressed enough and decided he is in love with a sweet girl from his class and has went from the almost-16-year-old-boy-who-never-kissed--a-girl, to WOW Mom!!-my-lips-are-so-smooth-cause-she-wears-good-lip-gloss. Thank goodness she really IS a sweet girl and kissing and hand-holding is the limit for them both.

Sara, the Great Dane is due to have puppies any second, so I have been running out to check and love on her every 5 min. She looks soooo miserable..... I can relate honey... I can relate, been there, done that many times!

Sweet now 9 year old Worker #4 got it all messed up and was sick as a dog on the last day of school... you know.. the fun day? the party day? hasn't anybody told this kid ya don't get sick on the last day of school?!?!? geesh! wait for a test day for cryin out loud!

yep.... it was a busy busy week.

But.... today is a new day! and BLUEBERRY SEASON starts today!!!! whoo hoooo!!
I'll be back to report!
Pin It!

3 amazing comments. Talk To Me!!:

Anonymous said...

Wow you did have a bizzie week
Hope you son is ok that got hurt.
I will say little pray for him.

Anonymous said...

Boy, you have had a busy week. And yes, you were missed. I checked daily for an update. Hope your son is better soon, surgery goes well and all. Also, hope he learned something from all that has happened. Hang in there. Margie

Anonymous said...

wow what a week is right!!
aint it fun parenting teens? lol Hang in there girl.. your my hero!

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