Last week, I tweeted about my super-cheap living-room make-over that I was trying desperately to finish before the Man-of-My-Dreams came home. (all the details and pictures will be posted tomorrow)
You see... he was supposed to be working out of town for the next two weeks...
This would give me time to purge and re-do almost the whole house!
I was excited and the Demolition Phase began.
The demolition phase and planning the changes was the fun part!
I knew my husband, the neat-freak, type-A man that he is could never ever handle living amongst the aftermath of the demolition phase.
Things piled all over the place , various boxes and bags labeled
TRASH-YARD SALE- DONATE- or KEEP, Dust flying etc etc etc...
All was going according to plan...
The house was now REALLY destroyed. (demolition phase... really!)
Building the new full-wall shelving unit was in full swing with gallons of glue, cement, and fabric..
When He called me....
"Baby" he said in his thick southern drawl.
"Lets have steak for dinner Friday night."
"Huh??? I said, with a little panic in my voice. "You aren't gonna Be here Friday night!"
"Yes I am, they changed plans at work and I'll be home all week-end!"
"OH CRAP!!" (I think this hurt his feelings just a tad.)
"Whats wrong with me coming home? I still LIVE there don't I?"
"**sigh** Yes dear.... you still live here... but.. but... I'm kinda in the middle of a surprise, and really wanted to be able to finish it before you got here."
"Well then , I guess you better get a move-on huh? I'll see ya tomorrow night!"
This was NOT good!
This was NOT part of the plan!
Crap Crap Double-CRAP!
There was no turning back now....
There was no way on earth I could have it all done in less than 48 hours.
So, I decided to focus on the Living Room.
I would have it all done by the time he got home....
He would be so impressed that he wouldn't even notice the piles of stuff he had to navigate through when he came into the kitchen.... yeah RIGHT!!!
The boys and I flew into action.
I was a gluing freak! they moved heavy objects (27 times because I couldn't make up my mind)
There was paint.. there was cement, there was wood, and of course the glue....
We moved the BIG fish-tank.... we moved all the electronic equipment, the treadmill found a new spot to collect dust, and all the furniture changed places..
We finished the Living Room with mere minutes to spare!
It turned out better that I expected! It looks great!!
It looks bigger!
It looks un-cluttered!!
It was a success!!!!
My poor man was indeed impressed with the Living room.
But, as I expected.... he is having a very hard time dealing with the chaos that is taken over the rest of the house.... So, he has spent most of his time home outside working in the yard or his work-shop.. bless his heart.
My spoiled-rotten little sister offered to come over and help me this week-end.
We were gonna get TONS done.
We were gonna empty every single kitchen cabinet and purge our hearts out.
She came....
But it turns out... we got very little done Saturday.
Who knew I wouldn't really be able to get into the purging thing with the Man-of-My-Dreams home to distract me and my little sister here to talk to? oops...
So Today We are starting with a bang!!
We'll see what happens....
Pictures to follow.....
and as usual...
pray for me?
Or send cheesecake ok?
I need it!!
Perfect Sweet Tea
12 years ago
5 amazing comments. Talk To Me!!:
as i say this, i still have boxes sitting unpacked from our move this summer. today however is yard work day so the boxes shall sit another day.
i don't have cheesecake to send, but i do have brownies.
Sounds like an episode of While You Were Out! I can't wait to see the pics!!!
That is too funny! I couldn't imagine the panic I would have been in trying to get things done. I can't wait to see pictures.
Someday I hope to declutter my house. I am always talking about it. Maybe your pictures will enspire me. Thanks!
I can't wait to see pics!! My house needs a makeover so badly but I have no motivation or ideas so maybe I'll have to steal some of yours!!! Oh and can I also borrow your boys to help??!!
I just love your blog. I check it every day but seldom comment..Waiting to see the pics. Doris
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