Today I'm gonna show you how to take it over the top!
The perfect Hot Cocoa deserves to be topped with a perfect Homemade Marshmallow!
Not one of those plastic-tasting store-bought gummy things.
Homemade marshmallows are silky, light, fluffy, perfection, and they are NOT hard to make!
You'll never want another store-bought marshmallow again!

Dana's Homemade Marshmallows
- 4 envelopes unflavored gelatin (I use Knox Brand)
- 3 cups sugar
- 1 1/4 cups light corn syrup
- 1/2 teaspoon salt
- 2 1/2 teaspoons vanilla extract
- 2 cups powdered sugar
- Water
- Electric Mixer with whisk attachment (LOVE My Kitchen-aid for this!)
Put sugar, corn syrup, salt, and 3/4 cup water into a medium saucepan.
Bring to a rolling boil over high heat, stirring to dissolve sugar.
Boil (rolling boil) without stirring, For one full minute, or until mixture registers 238 degrees on a candy thermometer.
Meanwhile, put 3/4 cup cold water into the bowl of your electric mixer;
sprinkle gelatin into the water.
Let sit to soften for 5 minutes.
Slowly pour hot sugar syrup into the gelatin mixture with the mixer on low speed.
Gradually raise the speed to high.
Beat for approx 6 minutes,
Slowly add vanilla extract.
Beat on high for another 5-6 minutes, until very stiff peaks form.
(approx 10-12 min total whipping time)
Pour and spread into a greased 9 x 13 pan.
allow to sit uncovered for approx three hours until they firm up.
(I often just leave it out overnight)
Sprinkle powdered sugar onto your work surface,
un-mold your marshmallow slab onto the powdered sugar.
Cut into squares or use decorative cookie cutters thoroughly coated in powdered sugar to prevent sticking.
Coat each marshmallow with powdered sugar and store in an air-tight container up to one week.
add a little peppermint oil during the last 3 minutes of beating for peppermint marshmallows!
Add a little cocoa powder during the last half of beating for chocolate marshmallows!
Use sprinkles!
use nuts!
Use coconut.
Use Your Imagination!
*Attach a baggie of homemade marshmallows to a mug of hot chocolate mix for a GREAT teachers gift!*

26 amazing comments. Talk To Me!!:
Thank you for the recipe. This is what I am giving for holiday gifts this year. This sounds like the easiest recipe I've found so far!
AZ Mom of Many Hats
This sounds wonderful! My kids LOVE marshmallows AND they love to help cook. We will definitely do this. Thanks!
I am so impressed that you make your own marshmallows. Wow. I would love to try it sometime, but I am a little scared. I know you said it was easy, but it sounds intimidating.
I've always wanted to try homemade marshmallows. Yours look fantastic, YUM!
Thanks for the recipe I am gonna try to make these.
Hey grab your workers and come visit my blog. My boys have baby squirrel pictures up! They will get a kick out of seeing them. One of the perks of living in the country - know what I mean.
I just found your site, last week (through Blog Candy Designs) and I love it! I already saved your Hot Chocolate recipe and was eagerly awaiting marshmallows. Now I'm set. Thank you so much!
curse bran and his dratted diabetes.
This looks great! I'm soooo doing this tomorrow. Also I love your mugshots!
Oh Wow ~ This looks so delicious!! Thanks for sharing the recipe and the great gift idea too! BTW, I don't see the EC Drop box on your Blog? I do use IE and I know sometimes people don't use the right code when adding EC to their site??
I've never tried making marshmallows at home...I definitely want to try now! You make it look so easy!
I have been meaning to make my own marshmallows..thanks for the recipe
I never, ever thought I might want to make my own marshmallows, but my grandkids are coming for Christmas and love hot chocolate. I have bookmarked your recipe and if I have time over the busy holidays I plan to give these a try!
Beautiful photography and thanks for the recipe! I've never liked marshmallows, but then I had a homemade one at a restaurant here, and now I MUST have one on my hot chocolate. Thanks!
Just wondering about the size of the pan... 9 x 19? seems like a relatively odd size...
Thanks for pointing that out! yes, it should be a 9x13 pan. My marshmallows are WAY better than my typing/spelling skills. ;)
I love marshmallows! I'm going to link to your post today in my Things to Write Home About post. Thanks for a great article!
I tried this recipe tonight as well as the hot cocoa recipe! OMG Yummy!!! I wrote a post about it and linked to you!
Have to tell you that my man will take a bag of marshmallows and sit in front of a movie. Sometimes he will share with the dogs. I had printed your recipie out at work and took it home. The night I brought it in he looked at me like I was crazy. "why would you want to make marshmallows?" So I left it on the table. couple weeks later he "finds" it and asks why I've never made them for him.
So we are going shopping and he wants to be sure we have everything we need for the marshmallows and the hot chocolate. This morning I woke up to find he'd gotten up early and made them. He was so excited! We cut them up and made the chocolate mix too. He's happy. He loves the marshmallows and thinks the chocolate is a great money saver cause it tastes better than the stuff we buy.
Men you have to love them cause you can't shoot em.
this looks really good!!....but a couple of questions....Powdered sugar is also called icing sugar? and do you add the powdered sugar at the same time as you add the other sugar to the ingredients for the stove, or is the powdered sugar only for coating the marshmallows at the end? Thanks!!!!
yep... icing sugar and powdered sugar are just about the same thing. I believe that icing sugar is just a tad finer ground. you can use either one with no problem :)
thank you for the icing sugar answer....I actually own some of that.
But quick question again....do you add it with the other regular sugar in the pot on the stove to disolve, or is it just for coating the finished product. Thanks!!
the powdered/icing sugar is for coating only :)
I was intimidated by making them until I finally bit the bullet and just did it. They are DIVINE and VERY easy !!!
I just wonder, 1 cup, how many ml is that? I tried to search the net, but unfortunately they gave me several different numbers, since I'm from Norway I'm not familiar with that kind of measurement >.< I really want to try this recipe, but I can't make it without the right measurements
Hope you can help! :)
First, let me say we don't live to far from you and hopefully can meet each other sometime (we live on 10 acres in Palestine, Texas). I've always wondered if it was possible to make homemade marshmallows and these are fabulous - thank you for posting the recipe. One small word of caution that I'd like to share with you and your readers, however: do not make Rice Krispie Treats with these homemade marshmallows. For some reason they make the rice krispies very soggy which is not a pleasing texture. I'm not talking about soft gooey texture (I actually kind of like it when they turn out that way), but the cereal pieces are soggy as though they've been in milk too long. But LOVE LOVE LOVE them in hot chocolate and to eat by themselves.
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