It's a beautiful thing.
Worker #1 has wanted a little boat for our pond.
He searched and searched for one that he could afford.
He had grand plans.
It was gonna be a nice boat!
He would be the envy of all his friends.
But my boy is not shallow.
He follows his heart.
His heart fell in love...
The "Turd"
When the owner of the property told him he could have it for free, it almost brought tears to his eyes!
He didn't care that its wood was all rotten.
He didn't care that it needed patched and painted.
He didn't care that it was full of termites and fire ants.
All he knew was that he had to get it home and it was his.. all his!!
(I didn't bother to tell him not to worry, because no one else on Earth wanted it anyway!)
It is his place to "get away from it all".
His place to find solitude.
His private fishing spot.
His place to be totally alone.
His place to practice his fierce modeling poses...
6 amazing comments. Talk To Me!!:
The that the name of the boat? Awesome.
Hmmmm... Are you SURE he's in a pond? Because from the looks of it, he could be in anybody's FRONT YARD after last week's rain storms!
And thank you for being a smart mother and not allowing the accident-prone child to take his cell phone out on the Turd with him. :o)
- your spoiled rotten, "city girl", little sister
omg. that is a funny story. but a great lesson for all children. to search and find. not to just be handed everything they want. sweet!
That is hilarious! I think it's great that he has his own little place. I know I wanted one as a kid.
Love the name of her!! Ours is "Cheaper to Keep her" LOL Hey what it looks like is not the point how you feel in it and what you catch is! You've raised a fine fisherman!
Hahaha, how awesome! Oh man, I wish I had had a boat to get away during my teenage years. Your description of the "boy and his boat" reminds me of the giving tree. Hope that boat brings him lots of peaceful "getaway" time.
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