In the day and age of Computers, Cell Phones, DVD's, and Fast-Food Drive-thru's, I love it when we get to slow things down and enjoy the simple things.
Today our simple pleasure was heading out to the back pasture for a little fishing.

We always have fun fishing.
It's slow, simple, fun.

Sometimes we are lucky and the fish are biting. (like today)

Sometimes "other things" are biting too!

The smiles and pride each time a fish is reeled in are priceless.

Even when nothing bites your line, you have a blast.

You can always go explore things on dry land instead.

Fishing! It's one of my favorite Simple Pleasures.
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2 amazing comments. Talk To Me!!:
Sitting by a campfire in the backyard, star gazing. Autumn is the BEST for this!
Drinking Chai tea in my pajamas while reading a book AND arranging flowers from my garden.
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