During his time home, I have earned a new title...
"World's Greatest Slacker"
You should see my shiny crown and robe! It's awesome!
He wakes in the morning raring to go!
He's emptied the dishwasher and folded the clothes before I finish half of my coffee!
The toilets are clean, the hard water deposits have been scrubbed off the shower walls.
The tub has bright new caulk.
The closet is organized.
The dust bunnies are out from under the couch.
You've never seen such a purdy pile of perfectly split firewood!
He even cleaned out the fridge!
Now, don't get me wrong...
I want to do these things...
No, really..... I do.
But he doesn't give me a chance.
So what have I done while he is working up a sweat on his handsome manly brow?
Ive tried on all the clothes in the closet that didn't use to fit me.
I watched hundreds of Hot Air Balloons take flight.
I've colored my gray hairs.
I've Tweeted.
I've lost 46lbs.
I've kept the fire going outside and sat and watched it for hours.
I've painted my nails.
I started a new Blog.
I've cooked food.
I was banded.
I've gone to bed every night before 9pm.
I even took a nap or two.
Much to my dismay, I'm fixing to have to give up my title of the "World's Greatest Slacker"
He's going back to work!
In Mississippi!!
9 hours away!!
What am I gonna do?
What if I forgot how to wash clothes?
What if I forgot how to wash dishes?
What about the dust bunnies???
Who is gonna do all this stuff?
Do you KNOW how much work there is to do around here?!?!?
Never mind...
The kids are all staying here....
Oh... that silly child labor law isn't still on the books.
... right? RIGHT??
... help!
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2 amazing comments. Talk To Me!!:
So. Many. Responses...
I'll leave it to your imagination as to what I'm thinking! :o)
- Bethany
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And that makes my children run and hide in shame.