Tap... Tap... Tap... I could hear him all morning, but never could find him. I looked and looked... Tap... Tap... Tap...
Then suddenly he appeared in my lens. A happy little red-head.
He was so busy looking for his lunch. Tap... Tap... Tap...
I wish I had his determination!
1 amazing comments. Talk To Me!!:
Oooh, one of the reticulated woodpeckers! We have them here in Florida and I have --- once or twice --- spotted his cousin, the ivory billed woodpecker. Big birds, both of them.
1 amazing comments. Talk To Me!!:
Oooh, one of the reticulated woodpeckers! We have them here in Florida and I have --- once or twice --- spotted his cousin, the ivory billed woodpecker. Big birds, both of them.
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