Do you wanna know another little Bad Mothers Anonymous secret I told my oldest ones?
shhh dont tell anyone..
but I may have mentioned that I had a distant cousin who was allergic to marijuana...
he was a good kid...
but got caught up in the peer pressure thing..
tried it one time and dropped dead....
the poor guy didn't have a chance cause there was no way he could have known as there is no test....
you just drop dead your first try....
Oh and I may have mentioned that this particular allergy is hereditary.....
you just never know....
yep.. I am goin to Hell.
Perfect Sweet Tea
12 years ago
3 amazing comments. Talk To Me!!:
That's awesome! I think we need the old commercial from back in the day to re-surface:
"This is your brain...This is your brain on drugs." Fried Egg! But I do believe your way would work!!
Love it!!!
You win points for creativity! My Ma actually was allergic to the smoke. When my Pa wold bring the young guys home for dinner from the barracks he always told him up front that his wife could smell marijuana and was allergic to it. Sometimes there'd be a big ole pile of baggies at the front door but they never dared come in smelling of the smoke or bringing it into the house.
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