- The washing machine is finally fixed! No more Laundry Mat!
- The propane just ran out! No Dryer.. or hot water, and it's the week-end.
- Where's mommy?
- The cows are out.
- I don't like pork chops.
- You still owe me $10 mom.
- No, I wasn't sneaking a cigarette behind the house! I don't know why I smell like smoke again.
- I'm late for football practice.
- The cows are out.
- You forgot to buy me colored printer paper for school.
- Where's Mommy?
- We're out of bread.
- I'm hungry.
- Whats for dinner?
- But, It's MY TURN!
- But, I had it FIRST!
- He hit me!
- I don't like my eggs cooked this way.
- The cows are out.
- There is a spider in my bed!
- She won't stay out of my room!
- The brakes on the truck are shot.
- The cows ate the water hose again.
- I smell something disgusting.
- We are out of milk.
- I didn't touch it.
- Where is mommy?
- Can I come?
- The lawn mower deck broke.
- The cows are out.
- I need gas money.
- I'm late fore church.
- I have a baseball scrimmage tonight.
- I can't find my glove.
- Oops!
- I'm not lying!
- I'm hungry.
- I'm thirsty.
- We never go anywhere.
- Can't we ever just stay home?
- It's hot.
- Ewwwwh! He farted in my room!
- I didn't hit him THAT hard!
- Attention Wal-Mart shoppers.
- You forgot Miracle Whip!
- I didn't mean to break it.
- The cows are out.
- I DID rinse off the dishes!
- The dog just puked on the floor.
- Who ate my crayons?
- Where's mommy?
Perfect Sweet Tea
12 years ago
5 amazing comments. Talk To Me!!:
"Who ate my crayons?" I'm hoping you have a dog... ;)
mine was much more and less stressful than yours. bran finally came home after 8 days in hospital after a heart attack.
i'm glad we don't have cows.
the cows are out is totally yours LOL
Love your blog!!
"Where's Mommy?" Oh yes. Totally get that :)
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