I used to be nice.
I used to say I loved all children.
Every baby was a beautiful baby.
I tolerated incompetence from others...
I mean, they didn't know better, It wasn't their fault that they didn't know what they were doing or what they were talking about etc...
I made excuses for people not doing their jobs or not doing them correctly.
I turned the other cheek.
I bit my tongue.
As I get older, I'm finding out that I'm not as nice of a person as once thought I was.
I can't help but notice the increasing number of ugly babies I see out there.
Children, who once were "cute" are becoming annoying little turds.
I am much less tolerant of incompetent people.
When someone doesn't do their job, I get down-right angry.
And I now, have no problem making it known.
I find myself dismissing people easier and easier.
It's almost like I don't have time for stupidity or rudeness or incompetence anymore.
I'm not sure if it's a self preservation thing, or Maybe I'm just turing into a crabby old woman... or, God Forbid.... I'm getting bitchy!
I'm not even sure if it's an age thing, or have I always been this way and now it's just coming out?
things to ponder...
Is it just me?
Or have you found that as the years ad up, your patience & willingness to excuse shortens?
Perfect Sweet Tea
12 years ago
5 amazing comments. Talk To Me!!:
I hear ya! Oh my gosh, do I ever!
Oh sister, Join the bitchy club! We'll love to have you!
Come to the dark side, we have better cookies.
LOL - love it. My mom, grandma and I have all formed what we call The Bitch Club. I completely understand what you are talking about. :)
I don't think it is necessarily an age thing - I have always been bitchy ;)
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Comments make me dance a little jig.
And that makes my children run and hide in shame.