Well.... I lied.
My baby.
My Only girl.
My shadow.
My baby.
My Only girl.
My shadow.

She is growing fiercely independent.
Her favorite line is "I Can Do it Myself!".
She is 5 years old today!!!
Her favorite line is "I Can Do it Myself!".
She is 5 years old today!!!

Next year, she starts school!!!
SCHOOL!! seriously! How did this happen??
I swear, it was just last week that she was a little 5lb 5oz pink bundle resting on my shoulder!

I just wish she would stay a baby a little bit longer!
Happy Birthday Baby! **sniff**

11 amazing comments. Talk To Me!!:
i like your blog......
Wow... five?? I cant even imagine!
Oh I feel your pain!! I posted something similar about my youngest son yesterday. Just remember I'm sniffing with ya!!
Happy birthday to my favorite niece!
- your spoiled rotten, "city girl", little sister
Oh Dana,
I absolutely love that pic of all 5 of your workers. The forman being on top is perfect. I really enjoy your take on life.
Wow! They grow so fast don't they?!
I just recently found your blog and I'm loving it!
Tag, you're it! I've tagged you, you can check it out here: http://nessatxmom.blogspot.com/2008/11/tag-im-it.html
I understand if you've already done this or are not interested, I just thought it was fun!
I felt the exact same way you do back in August when my baby girl started school. It was hard with the first but the last was soo hard. But I have adjusted to the peace and quiet, quite well!!
Love your blog!!!
Happy Birthday to your girl. Children do grow up fast. I remember the time when my two twin nephews (2+) were born. They were premature and one of them had to stayed in the hospital for more than 2 weeks because he was too small. But now ... they are running around the house and following us wherever we go. :)
You lied again ... to you, she will always be the baby. :P
i have five kids too. 4 girls and the youngest, a son. my son turned 18 nov. 12 too. =)
oh my, what a beautiful little girl.
You think you lied now? Wait till the Foreman is in high school!
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And that makes my children run and hide in shame.