For my first baby,
Was thrown by my mother?
It was held at her house.
My Grandmother was invited.
So was my Grandfather.
And my 12 year old sister.
And everyone we worked with at the psychiatric hospital was there too?
Did I mention there were strippers at my baby shower???
To make things worse....
The strippers looked like ...

Andrew Dice Clay and Prince?
The Prince stripper was a co-worker of ours at the psychiatric hospital.
Um.... Yeah....
And I wonder why my kids are strange....
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4 amazing comments. Talk To Me!!:
hahahahaha! I remember that! Unfortunately, my mother and sister wouldn't let me stay...
- your spoiled rotten, "city girl", little sister
Hmmm...strange...LOL, strange indeed! LOL
for real? LOL... I don't think I would want to see Prince strip, even if you paid me to watch it. yucko!
Stippers at a baby shower? Or did I read that wrong. too funny. The girls got one for my bridal shower, that was interesting.
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