Snowsuits, decorating sugar cookies, hiding under the huge Rhododendron bush in our front yard, catching Honey bees off of the crab apple trees, Chinese jump-rope, 4-square, Nancy Drew, Sleep-overs, Swing-sets, Boo Berry Crunch, catching Lightning Bugs, collecting buckeyes, ice cream trucks, catching frogs, picking blueberries, blowing dandelions, sneaking red currants until my tummy hurt, climbing trees, ghost stories, and running through the sprinkler.
To name a few...
Yesterday the poor, sheltered Little-Foreman-in-Pink got to venture out and experience water-play that involved more then our small fishing pond or my garden sprinkler.
Our little town park built a zero-depth water play area and we finally got away from the farm to check it out.
She had a blast!
I think not...
That Ice Cream Truck would have been nice too...
Maybe next time.
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2 amazing comments. Talk To Me!!:
How fun! I love simple days like that, I bet she had a blast!
Dana, I've been strolling down memory lane myself lately! LOVE the photos, especially the first one with the water just coming out.
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