Doesn't this woman look cozy?
No, this is NOT me.
But I wish it was!
Look at her robe!
I have a weakness for robes.
Soft, Schmooshy, Warm robes.
I love em!
You know when you go to a really nice hotel or spa?
They have those really plush and soft chenille robes.
(well... I've been told they do! and the movies show em!)
None of my robes are like that... yet!
Here on the farm, there isn't much soft and schmooshy to be found, unless your talking about a baby bunny.
I found a site that has the most beautiful and luxurious robes I've ever seen!
Kinnaird Ireland
Winter is coming....
I'm a girl....
I would like to be covered in something "special" that does NOT include chicken poop!
I want one of these robes!....
To Be Continued...
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5 amazing comments. Talk To Me!!:
Hmm I may just have to get one of these for a Christmas gift myself.. They look lovely!
How beautiful are those??? I want one! No, I want all of them!
Ooooooooooh Pretty!
Those are beautiful!!
Lisa in ND
I know what I'm going to tell Hubby I want for X-mas!
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